What is considered a Lower Quality Swiss Replica?
There are many qualities of Swiss-made replicas out there. Most of them aren’t even made in Switzerland, and don’t even have a Swiss-made movement. How do you know? You don’t – that’s why you rely on the warranty!
Most so-called Swiss Replicas out there are either high quality Japan-made replicas, or simply Japan-made replicas. If you were to pay money to a company that does not accept credit cards, and doesn’t even have a phone number for you to reach them, you will probably receive junk.
Assuming you send them a money order for a Swiss Replica, and they ship you a Japan-made replica (retail value $150) and tells you there is a 1 year warranty on it. You don’t like the watch, or it breaks down 6 months down the road what can you do? Nothing! And that company’s website is probably long gone by then.
These cheaper Swiss Replicas (if they should even be called that) have the following poor qualities:
- The gold is not 18k. Again, there is no way for you to tell until 6 months down the road when the gold starts to wear off and the company has disappeared.
- The stainless steel also is not solid. And once again, there is no way for you to tell until it starts to wear off.
- The weight of the watch is nowhere near exact to the real thing. This also cannot be told until you have received the watch.
- The watch has a generic replica of the Swiss-made ETA movement, or a lower quality (perhaps 21-jewel) ETA movement. This is another aspect that cannot be judge until you have received the watch.
- Poor quality markings and engravings which are impossible to see in photographs. By the time you notice it, you have already handed over your money and it’s too late.
Why be Cautious?
- There are many companies offering Swiss-made replicas. Whether they are genuinely Swiss- made or not remains a mystery. The reason you have to be cautious is because you cannot see the product before you buy. Unlike a physical store, you can’t touch and feel the product. All you see is a computer-generated website, which can disappear as fast as it appeared.
You only have one way to judge the quality of the product by pictures.
- But can you see quality in a photo?
- Can you see Swiss-made craftsmanship from the pictures alone?
- Is it possible to judge solid gold from a picture?
- How about the finest markings and engravings?
- Or better yet, what about a genuine Swiss-made movement?
- Are you able to feel genuine sapphire crystal, or be sure that this company is going to be around (or even obligated to) honor their warranty and return policies?
Mistake #1: Low prices TOO low to make sense
18k Gold, Swiss-Made Watch, Sapphire Crystal all for under $1000? Ask your jeweler if that’s possible!
There is no way a genuine Swiss-made replica can be sold for under $1000. Some are even foolish enough to price their so-called solid 18k gold Swiss-made watches the same price as their solid stainless steel watches! So are they claiming that solid gold is the same price as stainless steel?
Mistake #2: Money Orders ONLY
There are many sites out there that accept money orders only. Is that a bad sign? Absolutely.
Money orders are basically cash, but with the name of the intended recipient. That means once the money order has been cashed, there is nothing you can do to get your money back even if you don’t like the product (or receive anything at all).
You can tell yourself that you can get the money back from the police or cancel the money order, but that’s not going to happen. Money orders are as good as cash. It is not within the police’s jurisdiction; it is a civil matter and you have to file a lawsuit against the company.
Any company which accepts money orders only has no credibility. Which means no money back guarantee. No warranty. And a safe bet that you will be receive a very poor quality watch. Ask any of the thousands of people who’ve been ripped off on eBay and that should be
more than enough proof for you. Don’t just listen to what people promise you. Talk is cheap. Think about what you can do if they don’t honor their promise. With a money order, there is absolutely nothing you can do, because no one cares.
Mistake #3: Major Credit Cards NOT Accepted
Accepting credit cards is a time-consuming task. Rigorous background and credit checks are conducted on the companies, because the credit card companies want to make sure that their customers will be happy.
This means that the company accepting credit cards must honor their warranty and guarantee policies, or the merchant will risk having their credit card accounts terminated and pay heavy penalty fees.
So you can see that only an established, credible business with a history of delivering quality products can get their own merchant account to accept credit cards.
Mistake #4: Lack of Smooth Communication
The Golden Rule of Retail Communication: if you cannot reach them before you make a purchase, how can you expect to reach them if you have a problem after you’ve paid?
That means if they do not have a toll-free phone number for you to get a hold of them any time, do not give them your money. If you can’t talk to a live person during regular business hours and get nothing but a voicemail, they aren’t even running a credible business. What credible store in your area doesn’t have a salesperson ready to serve you?
There are countless tales on the Internet about people who have handed over their money, only to receive junk or nothing at all. Any Internet consumer advocate will tell you always to create a smooth and consistent channel of communication before making a purchase, and always use a credit card.
Mistake #6: Poor Website
A poor website does not necessarily mean that the company is a scam. Their website does not have to be dazzling, or look like they’ve spent a million dollars building it. But if it looks like your dog’s breakfast, what would you come to expect from the quality of their products? Especially for such a high-end product.
The worst thing a company can do is copy another company’s website. There are obvious signs of that when you see certain areas blurred out, that usually means that the website belonged to another company, but this company duplicated it and simply blurred out certain
parts of it to hide certain information.
Any company that can’t make their own website and has to steal others probably can’t deliver a quality product and will steal your money too.
Remember the old aged saying: If it sounds too good to be true it probably is! Sometimes saving a few cents just costs too much